a photo of Cheryl Weare on a pathway covered in leaves and overflowing with green trees and vibrant pink flowers. Cheryl leans on a railing and smiles at the camera. Cheryl has pale skin and a brown full fringe with hair tied back. Credit artist.

Cheryl and her partner are part-time Queenstown residents. She writes and he paints, and they both feel very grateful to be able to do that in such a welcoming community. Cheryl is currently working on an historical novel set in lutruwita/Tasmania. She also develops and proofreads publications for local artists and organisations.

Both the pieces that Cheryl will share at MOONLAND are set in Queenstown. Her short story, 'Six O’clock Baby', deals with loss, acceptance and new growth. The poem, 'Rock and flesh and flower', was written in response to an invitation by local artist Helena Demczuk to contribute a creative piece to her exhibition 'Certain Women 3'.

The Unconformity acknowledges the palawa people as the original and traditional custodians of lutruwita/Tasmania. We commit to working respectfully to honour their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this land.