A photo of smoke rising from a terraced mine site at the Mt Lyell mine, with rocky Mt Lyell in the background. Image by Jesse Hunniford.

Where nature has been disrupted, almost discontinued. Dense, green forest stripped from hills, leaving them bare. But as time has passed and mining methods have evolved, nature is again ever so slowly taking hold. Underneath, the old mine slumbers as boardrooms and markets determine its future.

Our only constant is adapting to change; nothing stays the same.

Cycles of boom-and-bust lie in the bones of our landscape and our history.

Modern Queenstown forges on, discovering new forms of sustenance. In ways never imagined, the mighty mountains and our geological unconformities provide alternate means of inspiration.

Where else would you find an art mining town but on the western fringe?

The Unconformity’s last story was left unread, unopened; disrupted by a force none of us could avoid. Our great ally – remoteness – could not even shield us. Modern life wouldn’t have it.

It means we have so much more to share, more time to create, more time to challenge, more time to inspire.

Like a full moon sharing pent-up radiance after an unscheduled eclipse, we are back with a new conglomeration of concepts, experiences and questions shaped by this wild place.

Our story, and the West Coast story, continues.

Those who know us will tell you it won’t go to script ... and that’s just the way we like it.

In this place, nothing stays the same.

The Unconformity acknowledges the palawa people as the original and traditional custodians of lutruwita/Tasmania. We commit to working respectfully to honour their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this land.