A photo of Adam Thompson. Adam has dark hair swept and gelled towards the back of his head. He has dark brown eyes and a neatly trimmed beard that extends an inch past his chin. Adam looks up at the camera seriously. Credit Ness Vanderburgh.

Adam Thompson is a pakana writer from Launceston, lutruwita/Tasmania. His work has been published by the Australian Dictionary of Biography, Kill Your Darlings, Good Weekend and Griffith Review as well as appearing in several anthologies.

Adam is the author of Born Into This (UQP) and Stormy Night (Hardie Grant). In 2022, he launched the first ever Tasmanian Aboriginal screen production company, Kutikina Productions, of which he is a co-director.

The Unconformity acknowledges the palawa people as the original and traditional custodians of lutruwita/Tasmania. We commit to working respectfully to honour their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this land.