Live Session 1: Formation
We start by tuning our dials to the past; ancient storylines and live conversations carrying the formative tales of the West Coast landscape and lore.
- Witness box: Ancient Geology
With geologist Keith Corbett - palawa creation story film (6 min)
Originally commissioned by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery for the 2020 exhibition WEST: Out on the Edge - Panel discussion: palawa artists
Hosted by journalist Jillian Mundy with palawa kani researcher Theresa Sainty and musician Denni Proctor - Statement for Country (7:21 min)
By Theresa Sainty - University of Tasmania student video works
Sensory Imprints by Lawrence Ellis (2:50 min)
Rebirth by Callum Cusick (1:45 min)
Live Session 2: Digging Up
Historical video signals of our industrial golden age; and live studio interviews about the oscillating fortunes of the land and its people.
- Witness box
Poetry by Richard Wolfe - Panel Discussion: Why We Dig
Hosted by Rick Snell with former miner Richard Wolfe and geology artist Chris Wilson - Mt Lyell Centenary video (1983, 10 min)
- Discussion: Shift Change
Hosted by Kat Young with musician and composer Andrew Callaghan - Tasmania’s Road West (1970, 12:33 min)
- Bad River (2023, 23 min)
- University of Tasmania student video works
Old by Tash Bradley-Cross (1:36 min)
Restore Pedder by Liam Meagher (3:28 min)
Live Session 3: Lights Out
Observe the dark matter of a town shutting down in 1994; detecting voices and visions emanating from the shadows at an epoch’s end.
- ABC Stateline: Seagulls (2010, 6:20 min)
- Discussion: End of an Era
Hosted by Kat Young with former miner Graeme Mee - Mt Lyell, a Century of Copper – The 1994 Lights Out Ceremony (1994, 13 min)
Introduced by writer Patsy Crawford - Expanded Cinema – The Golem: How He Came Into The World (68 min)
Timothy Hodge
Musician Timothy Hodge performs a live score for the 1920 German Expressionist classic, creating a new context for the film and exploring ideas of creation.
University of Tasmania student video works
1983 Toyota Crown by Tash Bradley-Cross (2021, 3:50 min)
Welcome To Heartland by Sofie Münster (2023, 5:08 min)
Nemegt Formation Trail Cam by Ayla McIntyr (2022, 0:31 min)
Eden Alone Surpasses Thee (2022, 20 min)
An award-winning short film set on the rugged West Coast of lutruwita/Tasmania, delving into profound themes of solitude, nature’s beauty, and the resilience of the human spirit.
UNTV: Primetime Returns (2020, 84 min)
The original UNTV, recorded and re-transmitted: retold histories, speculative sci-fi, grand designs, gardening with gravel ... and a search for ‘the event’.
The Last Man on Earth (1964, 86 min)
A lone survivor of a global pandemic battles nocturnal vampire horrors in this haunting cinematic masterpiece.