A photo of Bob Cartledge wearing a sturdy felt hat and a black and white flannelette shirt. Bob has a grey and white beard that extends past his chin, pale skin, blue eyes and smile lines beside his eyes. Credit Bob Cartledge.

Bob Cartledge (The Elder) started producing ceramic art after the opportunity to do so presented itself, with the arrival of Mal Gotjes in to Queenstown. Bob has had no formal training in ceramics or jewellery fabrication but has found a good mentor in Mal.

Bob is a resident of Queenstown and fills his time practicing Reiki, Tai Chi and QiGong; performing Ohm Resonance Therapy; and working on ceramics in Q West Community Gallery. He enjoys writing and is currently writing a book of speculative fiction where a connection with nature is a central theme.

Bob says that on the West Coast, there is a quality of life that is second to none and that there is a cohort of people in Queenstown who constantly challenge his perceptions and encourage the redefining of old truths. He can think of no better place to live.

The Unconformity acknowledges the palawa people as the original and traditional custodians of lutruwita/Tasmania. We commit to working respectfully to honour their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this land.